Apply ice packs immediately after the procedure. Take analgesics for 2 - 3 days after the procedure if necessary. No make-up for a minimum of 24 hours. Sleep face up in an elevated position for 3 - 5 nights. Wash face gently without excessive rubbing for 5 - 7 days. Avoid excessive face and neck movements for 1 - 2 weeks. Avoid face and neck massages for 1 month. Avoid overexposure to sunlight for 2 weeks. Avoid sports and exercise for 2 weeks. Do not use saunas for 3 weeks. Avoid dental surgery or procedures for 3 weeks.
No excessive pressure to treated areas. Avoid exercise. No facial treatments or massages. Cleanse, tone and apply face cream gently. Apply make-up gently. Do not lie down for 4 - 6 hours post-treatment. Apply ice packs to areas with swelling.
Toxin effects may take 3 - 10 days to show.